Jumat, 10 April 2009

Generic Host Process (GHP) error

The world is actually a virus similar to the Indonesian Idol, where many people who want to become Idol, but in the end only a few that is able to reach the peak of fame. Similarly with the virus, every day thousands of new virus in it around the world, but only a few who are able to spread itself with thousands of successful and infection up to millions of computers around the world. What's behind the success of the spread of the virus? The same question can be asked at Delon or Mike, what is behind their success? Whether because of the high-octave voice, the most handsome / beautiful or have other factors? Matter of sound, must have a minimum standard vocal ability to go to Idol, but words such as Simon Cowell is not a guarantee that the winner of Idol is the participant with the most beautiful voice. Because the winner of Idol vocal contest, but not a popularity contest. So the win is the most popular:). Here the factor luck / fortune and is also a role outside of the control participants. Back to the virus, which also happens same as. Viruses successfully spread the virus most successful non-violent or most complex, but the virus is most popular. In the context of the spread of the virus, the virus will become popular if it was able to "make" itself is activated in the computer as much as possible. How is cleft with security exploit, exploit system weaknesses that have become the last and the expertise of local viruses, social engineering.

The same we find in the world that the two viruses co-champion. Slit security exploit the same, codingnya equally complex and made with high-level programming skills, even the first was launched first. But the fact the first time the virus is less popular with both viruses, only because he does not utilize the distribution through the local network and also on the internet only to spread itself. Both viruses are famous on the internet at this time is that at this time Gimmiv distribution decreased and was defeated by newcomer Conficker virus or also known by the name Downadup. Both viruses exploit this rift Dcom RPC security.

Initially, the RPC patch Dcom in the first release in August 2003 specifically for the Lovsan virus attacks or more famous by the name Blaster. Dcom RPC patch with the MS03-039 is available at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824146 early and effectively and successfully beat off the Blaster virus. And this is apparently not the end of the story of exploitation RPC Dcom because Microsoft in April 2004 re-issued patch MS04-012 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-012.mspx because there are some spyware that exploit known security rift W32/Rbot.AWJ like this. Terrible again, apparently not only Rbot.AWJ cleft security exploit MS04-012 security but segambreng slit, such as MS04-011 (LSASS), MS03-007 (WebDav), MS04-011, CAN-2003-0719 (IIS5SSL), MS01 - 059 (UPnP), CAN-2003-1030 (Dameware Mini Remote Control), MS04-007 (ASN.1), MS05-039 (PNP). After exploited twice, in 2008 this rift Dcom RPC security back in the "oprek" and exploited in other ways so that Microsoft issued a rush patch / patch MS08-067 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/ MS08-067.mspx.

How severe cleft Dcom RPC security is part III?

If you play a computer game, different from the Hollywood films that sequel generally less successful with the first film. Computer game series with the higher, in general, the more sophisticated and more interesting and attention gamer always successfully overcome the first game. For example is the game Warcraft III is clearly better from Warcraft I, or that of Civilization IV is more fun rather Civilization I ff. Unfortunately, security slit Dcom RPC also follow a computer game. Unlike cleft security Dcom early RPC, RPC security Dcom slit part III is not only able to exploit chink in the security of Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, but Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 is also vulnerable to this security infection slit. Even mad of Windows 7 Pre Beta also vulnerable to exploitation slit security RPC III Dcom this.


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