Kamis, 16 April 2009

15 Steps to Generate Creative Money with your eBooks

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 13.39 0 komentar
1. Allow e-zine publishers or web site managers to publish or display some or information from your eBooks with the identity & also your website, or may also be certain of your ad in their sites.

2. Create extra profit by selling monthly updates of your eBooks. You can also create alternative income by selling chapters or extra information that has not been published previously in your eBooks.

3. Free eBooks and give and give visitors the option to purchase the paid versions of your eBooks (which, of course, the better the quality of content & complete). Also give permission to others to distribute your eBooks free edition.

4. Broken eBooks you to fill in some of the report / review brief. This way you can give to the visitor the option to purchase only the information they need.

5. Purchase eBooks author / website manager with selling the rights back. You get the eBooks complement other author of eBooks or other management website, which you can then re-sell (resell) or Pair with the content of your eBooks on your own. Be a package of information that are far more complete-and so can you sell more expensive than originally eBooks-collection or simply complete the eBooks on your website.

6. Modifications to existing ad copy in your website in a number of links. Generate first interest your website visitors with information of a particular product you sell eBooks through. Then drive them to click a link that you have created in your site. That way, you refer potential buyers to pay a visit to the webpage where the product with the eBooks you promoted more intense. This order will increase the likelihood of potential visitors.

7. Set a cheaper fare for visitors to read the first part of your eBooks. If they like the content, the visitors pay to read the full edition of the complete Ebook you.

8. Bid on new things related to eBooks you sell. Bids can be updated every month the latest eBooks, free e-zine, free consulting and so forth.

9. Show on your prospects a sample page of your eBooks. Then hide (black out) a number of important information. This will make your prospects curious to buy.
10. EBooks provide a version with cheap price & premium. Show the prospect the benefits are offered in each version. Then people will usually spend a little more money to buy a more detail information.

11. Offer the right writing / publishing / re-sale of your eBooks. You can sell the rights in accordance with the price of regular price of your eBooks usual, or set the price higher.

12. Make an offline version of your eBooks. This does not make a person must always be online to read eBooks you information. You can change your eBooks to the book version in print, reports, video, audio, book, newsletter and other which can be downloaded by visitors.

13. Redesigned eBooks for your niche market that is more specific. This allows you to double revenue from eBooks with little additional work. For example, you can set an application or information that you have eBooks in the more specific to certain areas. Outline eBooks you remain the same, but all applications or the information you refer more specifically to a special niche market. Example: You have any more information or interest in the field of art. Ebook related to your theme such as a home business, you can develop a more specific business eBooks titled craft.

14. Give your prospects discount voucher / coupon for the purchase of other products when they buy your eBooks. Can be used for products that you sell yourself on your website or websites of others. This will add value for money for the buyer your eBooks.

15. Share your eBooks in some topics online newsletter. Next you can set more competitive rates for monthly website visitors who are interested in topics that you lift each month.


Buffalo Speaker Head

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 13.30 0 komentar
Indeed, very unique shape, the match is used if we feel bored with the speaker of that and only that, I usually box-shaped.
Speakers can be connected with some other gadgets, such as iPods, MP3, Mp4, Notebook, CD Player, PDA, PSP, Computer, Handphone-products and other digital products.

These features are available:
- Design a unique & funny, tiny, portable
- Using the Battery can be charged
- There is a blue LED light that functions as an indicator
- Automatic On / Off - Speaker will automatically turn on when you connect the cable
- Available in 2 colors: black and white
- Size: 90 x 92 x 40 mm, weight: 59 g


- Speaker output: 2 W
- Frequency: 80 Hz - 18 kHz
- 3.6 V Lithium Battery

In packet consists of:

1. Speaker-shaped head of buffalo
2. Audio cable
3. Power cable

Price offered is $ 13


Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Microsoft New Patch Release - Ms09-001

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 05.51 0 komentar
Back earlier this year Microsoft released a patch with the latest code with the MS09-001

KB958687 patch file. Vulnerability by pacth that is not foreign anymore,

the problem that the network protocol, Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB).

Just remind, this hole has been closed many times by pacth

earlier, is the latest MS08-063. Is it difficult to close microsoft

meeting this hole?

Next on the glance patch MS09-001:

Target attack OS: Microsoft Windows XP, Server 200 - 2008 Why can happen:

SMP Protocol failed to validate the size of the buffer before the buffer

How do these actions attacker: attacker only to send a message to the PC network

Servers that run the service for victims Due: stop responding / hang up to

restart suggestions from Microsoft:

Minimalist port that is open, especially so that the target port 139 and 445,

but REMEMBER! This is done if the PC does not connect to the network because akan

impact on the other service is not running. Service will be subject to participate

closing the port page is: Applications that use SMB (CIFS) Applications

mailslots or that use named pipes commands (RPC over SMB) Server (File and Print Sharing) Group

PolicyNet logon Distributed File System (DFS) Terminal Server LicensingPrint

SpoolerComputer BrowserRemote Procedure Call LocatorFax ServiceIndexing

ServicePerformance Logs and Logging AlertsSystems Management ServerLicense

ServiceKonfigurasi inbound / outbound firewall in

So still and follow the development of the IT security world .. who else ...


Jumat, 10 April 2009

Generic Host Process (GHP) error

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 19.08 0 komentar
The world is actually a virus similar to the Indonesian Idol, where many people who want to become Idol, but in the end only a few that is able to reach the peak of fame. Similarly with the virus, every day thousands of new virus in it around the world, but only a few who are able to spread itself with thousands of successful and infection up to millions of computers around the world. What's behind the success of the spread of the virus? The same question can be asked at Delon or Mike, what is behind their success? Whether because of the high-octave voice, the most handsome / beautiful or have other factors? Matter of sound, must have a minimum standard vocal ability to go to Idol, but words such as Simon Cowell is not a guarantee that the winner of Idol is the participant with the most beautiful voice. Because the winner of Idol vocal contest, but not a popularity contest. So the win is the most popular:). Here the factor luck / fortune and is also a role outside of the control participants. Back to the virus, which also happens same as. Viruses successfully spread the virus most successful non-violent or most complex, but the virus is most popular. In the context of the spread of the virus, the virus will become popular if it was able to "make" itself is activated in the computer as much as possible. How is cleft with security exploit, exploit system weaknesses that have become the last and the expertise of local viruses, social engineering.

The same we find in the world that the two viruses co-champion. Slit security exploit the same, codingnya equally complex and made with high-level programming skills, even the first was launched first. But the fact the first time the virus is less popular with both viruses, only because he does not utilize the distribution through the local network and also on the internet only to spread itself. Both viruses are famous on the internet at this time is that at this time Gimmiv distribution decreased and was defeated by newcomer Conficker virus or also known by the name Downadup. Both viruses exploit this rift Dcom RPC security.

Initially, the RPC patch Dcom in the first release in August 2003 specifically for the Lovsan virus attacks or more famous by the name Blaster. Dcom RPC patch with the MS03-039 is available at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824146 early and effectively and successfully beat off the Blaster virus. And this is apparently not the end of the story of exploitation RPC Dcom because Microsoft in April 2004 re-issued patch MS04-012 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-012.mspx because there are some spyware that exploit known security rift W32/Rbot.AWJ like this. Terrible again, apparently not only Rbot.AWJ cleft security exploit MS04-012 security but segambreng slit, such as MS04-011 (LSASS), MS03-007 (WebDav), MS04-011, CAN-2003-0719 (IIS5SSL), MS01 - 059 (UPnP), CAN-2003-1030 (Dameware Mini Remote Control), MS04-007 (ASN.1), MS05-039 (PNP). After exploited twice, in 2008 this rift Dcom RPC security back in the "oprek" and exploited in other ways so that Microsoft issued a rush patch / patch MS08-067 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/ MS08-067.mspx.

How severe cleft Dcom RPC security is part III?

If you play a computer game, different from the Hollywood films that sequel generally less successful with the first film. Computer game series with the higher, in general, the more sophisticated and more interesting and attention gamer always successfully overcome the first game. For example is the game Warcraft III is clearly better from Warcraft I, or that of Civilization IV is more fun rather Civilization I ff. Unfortunately, security slit Dcom RPC also follow a computer game. Unlike cleft security Dcom early RPC, RPC security Dcom slit part III is not only able to exploit chink in the security of Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, but Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 is also vulnerable to this security infection slit. Even mad of Windows 7 Pre Beta also vulnerable to exploitation slit security RPC III Dcom this.


SEO and Programming Languages

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 17.56 0 komentar
One aspect that often when we miss a strategy SEO is a programming language that is used to build a website. Each programming language has specific characteristics. For example HTML uses a specific set of protocols for controlling the visual display that appears in the browser page, while a collection of PHP using the protocol that is different. Most people will immediately associate the bakasa website with HTML programming. In fact there are many other programming languages is also often used in building a website, and each requires an appropriate SEO strategy.


JavaScript is a programming language that allows website designers to create a dynamic website components, although not so often preferred search engine. In fact, in most cases stop the JavaScript in the crawler crawls the content of the website. If this occurs, a consequence of a low ranking or even not at all in the index.

However, many website designers use the technique eksternalisasi all the JavaScript code that is used on the website page. With externalisastion, JavaScript code is executed from different locations with their own website pages. Externalisastion this technique is quite simple:

1. Coffee all the JavaScript code and place on a new file.
2. Name the file with the extension. Js. For example namafile.js.
3. Uploaded to the web server.
4. Create a reference page of the website to access the JavaScript code from external files.

Sometimes there are people that use JavaScript to hide text or links from search engines. Although many crawler stopped by the existence of JavaScript, they can identify and read the hidden content. Make sure you do not use this technique, because the risk is considered as an effort to deceive (spam) search engine.


Flash is a technology that many users doghouse, largely because even able to give a spectacular display, Flash takes a lot of "energy" and causing slow web page is opened. In many cases, visitors will be stuck waiting for very long without anything to do until all the components tereksekusi Flash. Visitors who can not wait hurry and likely will feel very frustrated.

SEO for Flash is a nightmare. Component flash crawler can stop travel search engine and does not continue anymore.

The only way to avoid negative effects with the use of Flash is not using it at all. However, there are situations where the use of Flash is required. If you are in a position so, try to insert a flash component on the web page and still give way for those who choose not to access the components. There are many different opinions in the use of this technique. If it is not absolutely necessary, the use of Flash should be avoided.


Most websites do not change unless the webmaster to do editing on the website page, the website such as this is called a normal static website. Other types is called a dynamic website. Website dynamic changes directly in accordance with the choice expressed by filling a similar form. Websites like this are made by using special technology, programming, one of them ASP. Basically the website such as this page does not have time visitor to the "creation" with the form fields. Because search engine robots not provided the ability to fill, automatic page does not "create", so in most cases, this type of page is not indexed by search engines.

There are ways to strategy situation above. Among them are set up with text-link to a particular page without having to fill out a form, so that search engines can find the website pages without the need to "create" it first.

Technically the URL of the website will contain many dynamic parameters that include the fields on the form before. Some search engines can not read this type of URL. Programming techniques with a URL such as this can be converted into a URL that search-engine-friendly.

In principle, although other programming languages such as ASP implementation brings a special characteristic, does not mean that the SEO can not be done. SEO approach on a static website is also still valid for dynamic website.


Robot search engine is essentially the application, such as applications in general, have many limitations, especially on the type of pages that can be found and read. PHP is a programming language that website - such as ASP - can be categorized in the static external website in general. Without the implementation of the appropriate techniques, PHP can be a barrier for the search engine robots. Implementation of appropriate technical means is the use of PHP with the remains of the search engine needs. For example, in general, tend to create a PHP page is accessed more slowly, so that search engine robots to cancel. Enough knowledge of PHP and SEO can eliminate situations like this.

One technique that is used with PHP to create PHP code to create a legible, such as HTML.


Next Generation Windows

Diposting oleh Salam Blog di 14.58 0 komentar
Windows 7 windows or seven by the 
microsoft that some time ago in the display 
Professional Developers Conference 
a conference for even these developer.pada, windows 7 and exhibited in test capabilities. Here are some point of testing is important. 

Fast and more Stable than Vista 

Windows 7 has a more stable performance 
rather than windows vista. Seven are also more responsive and more sparing in the use baterei. Although there is no official statement about the minimum specifications to be using windows 7, but Steve Sinofsky windows 7 states only memory allocation are at least 1Gb. Choosing a Wireless Network with only 1 click from the system tray 

This is one of the important features of windows 7. A more practical steps in selecting wireless networks. Must be signed in control panel is, go to network connection, and so on before it can connect to the network wireless. 

There will be warned if there is a change to the computer you 

I had experienced confusion when my younger brother who aged 7 years old playing my laptop and uninstalling one of the programs that I use normally. I was in the uninstall. 
7 features windows that prevent you this one the confusion with my earlier problem. 
System will report if any changes to the your computer. You will get a warning when system have changed and you can also setting up level of privacy is. Ranging from "tell me everything" until the "do not tell me the squad" Lost Sidebar, Gadgets fly 

One of the things that differentiate with windows vista windows Xp is the sidebar. Sidebar contains 
gadget-gadgets and accessories for your computer. In the Windows 7, the sidebar is missing. But, the gadget-gadget is still there, roam freely as you wish you. Collecting the Library System with the same Type

I never have problems with files that I disordered in My Document. I find the one confused the task of studying the files that must be collected immediately. Forced I have to find it all in a folder that is on my document. Know, I forget where the place. This problem also appears to be understood by the windows 7. New features include the existence of their library akan organize your document based on type. No matter where located. All pdf document for example,even located in the D: / in my Document, or in any location akan widows organized by the library 7.

And .. of course there are many other features of the windows seven. But for those of you who have been using MAC or LINUX, features that are already there. As gadget-gadgets that hang around, this feature has in the MAC (I forget where the series was first offers this feature).


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